
Soul calibur 5 characters teramos
Soul calibur 5 characters teramos

soul calibur 5 characters teramos

  • Expy: Alpha Patroklos has inherited Setsuka's fighting style.
  • Defrosting Ice King: At the start, he acts like a total dick, but as the story progresses, he's not that person anymore.
  • Crystal Prison: The holy spirit sword Soul Calibur of all things does this to him as part of an invocation of Grand Theft Me towards the end of the story mode.
  • soul calibur 5 characters teramos

  • Coming of Age Story: What the entire story mode boils down to for him.
  • Character Development: He goes from a guy who just wants revenge against the malfested and will kill anyone who even barely looks it to almost becoming Soul Calibur's Knight Templar to moving past his hatred to save his sister.
  • Cat Smile: Patroklos confirmed for lion, get in the car.
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    #Soul calibur 5 characters teramos manual#

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  • Soul calibur 5 characters teramos